Colostrum is the first fluid secreted by mammals for the first few days after child birth. It provides the initial supply of vital nutrients for new-borns and plays a crucial part in the nutrition, protection, development, and immunological defence of the new-born. However, in the absence or limited availability of human milk, bovine (cow) colostrum is widely used as an alternative source for infants. Hence, both human and bovine colostrum are a complete diet with all the essential nutrients for the neonate during the initial phase of its life, colostrum also provides essential immunological protection.
On the other hand, when it comes to cow urine or gomutra, medicinal uses of cow urine have been in practice since time immemorial. Cow urine is called as ‘Sanjivani’ and ‘Amrita’ in Ayurveda but some people recognized it as “water of life”. Gomutra has shown potent antioxidant, anti-microbial, immunomodulating, bio-enhancing & anti-cancer properties. Apart from curing diseases, cow urine also helps in maintaining the homeostasis of body where it affects certain body functions by lowering cholesterol level, relieving tension, improving memory, enhancing the functioning of liver, slowing the aging process, giving strength to brain, heart and also destroying the toxic effects of medicinal residues in the body.
This first of its kind book, will give you the scientific know-how about cow colostrum and cow urine (gomutra), and how you can make these products an integral part of your life.