• The SESS certification is the most extensive & in-depth course in the field of sports & exercise supplementation.
  • SESS is the only certification course, which provides you with a hands on business opportunity, by partnering with the finest supplement brands.
  • Take your knowledge & earning potential, to the next level, with SESS.


Learn to design the most effective supplement stack for your clients, your family & your own self.

Become the affiliate selling partners of the most trusted supplementation brands in the country i.e. Mango Herbs & Naturaltein.

Become a part of an
Exclusive WhatsApp group for all discussions & future opportunities.

More surprises & earning opportunities instore for you, in the course.

Get an amazing
Certification to use as a proof of your knowledge.

multiply your knowledge & earning potential

Do you know, that the global dietary supplements market is estimated at USD 164 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.0% from 2023 to 2030 ??

On the other hand, the need of supplementation in daily living is rising at a phenomenal pace. The ever-increasing stress in work & life, especially in the urban areas, has led to a mismatch between the want for a healthy life, and the time available to actually lead one.

For a long time now, I have been receiving regular mails & messages, from various professionals, that they want to associate with my brands, and increase their earning potential. They want an hands-on opportunity to multiply their income.


Major issues

Major issues in front of professionals

Lack of knowledge about supplements?

Which supplements work, which don’t? What supplements are to be prescribed to whom? How do various supplements work, the science behind them? There is no single source of information on supplementation, even on the internet.

Which is the source of safe & high quality supplements?​

There is a massive issue with quality of supplements in the market. Certain categories of supplements, such as athletic performance, sexual performance, and weight loss products, are particularly prone to the deliberate “spiking” with unlabeled extraneous or synthetic substances to confuse analytical techniques and even occasionally the addition of active synthetic drugs.

How to associate yourself with these brands, how to be a part of their business?​

Even if the above issues are sorted, then the 3rd issue is the biggest. How to associate yourself with these brands, how to be a part of their business?

one single solution!

Sports & Exercise Supplementation Specialist (SESS) Certification


SESS Certification is the first of its kind course, which will not just teach you about supplements, but also give you a hands on opportunity to start earning from day one.

The moment you finish the course, you become the selling partners of some of the most trusted supplementation brands in the country i.e. Mango Herbs & Naturaltein.

Key features

Get started with ease

SESS will clarify all your doubts related to Protein.

Improve Supplements knowledge

SESS is the single most comprehensive source which will give you all the information on the subject of supplements, and help you bust the associated myths.

Get access to notes

In SESS, you will get 6 Modules, with and 1850 pages of course notes. This course, will be 100% Live course.


SESS Registration Form

What you will learn from this course

Get to know your Instructor

Akshay Chopra

Akshay Chopra is a renowned fitness professional, a speaker , a writer and the owner of Indias research based platform, Werstupid. He has been transforming lives, and has addressed many a people with motivational words. Known as the Encyclopaedia of Fitness Industry, his knowledge is unparalleled.

Get a certificate after completing the course