Is it OK to do cheat reps?

Whenever we see a novice using momentum during his lift, we know that he/she is not aware of the correct form of that exercise. For e.g. during a barbell curl,…

Eccentric Training: Benefits And Risk

Muscle actions modalities are represented as (i) isometric muscle action that involves no change in muscle length, (ii) concentric muscle actions that involve the shortening of muscle tissue, and (iii)…

Twice A Day Workout – Is It Better ?

If we observe high-performance athletes from different sports, they engage in two or more workout sessions per day. Multiple training sessions do have their physiological and performance benefits. One of…

Best Exercise To Build Massive Chest

Monday can be called as the ‘International chest day’ in gyms around the world. A big muscular chest, made famous by the bodybuilders of the golden era like Arnold, franco…

Face Yoga For Chiselled Jawline ?

Your facial soft tissue consists of a series of layers like the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue, superficial musculoaponeurotic system, deep adipose tissue, and deep fascia or periosteum. It is also…

Strenght Gain Without Weight Gain?

We all know that getting stronger leads to increase in performance. But can we increase muscle strength without increasing our body weight? More the muscle mass a person has, higher…

6 Proven Ways To Eat More & Gain Weight

Just like calorie deficit is the primary perquisite for weight/fat loss, calorie surplus is the starting point for gaining weight. But for people who think, calorie surplus simply means, eating…