How To Die Hungry!!

Today, everyone is an expert on social media. It doesn’t take anything to open a YouTube channel or an Insta page. You don’t need any credentials, or educational qualifications to…

The Detox & Slimming Tea Scam

Detox is the new buzzword in town. Virtually every weight loss or beauty product today has the word ‘detox’ attached to it. The idea is to get rid of all…

The Amazing Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice

The cultivation of sugarcane and its hybrids is mostly used for the production of sugar and ethanol and other industrial applications in more than 90 countries around the world. Sugarcane…

Real & Overhyped Benefits Of Jaggery

India is the largest consumer and the second largest producer of sugar in the world. Sugar industry is the second largest organized sector industry in the country. Among the sugar…

The Stupidity Of Blood Group Diet

In 1996 a book titled “Eat Right 4 Your Type” was published by Dr. Peter D’Adamo in which he proposed a link between ABO blood group and diet. This was…

The Love For Achar (PICKLE)

“Indian pickles can be sweet, sour, salty, cooling, hot or very hot indeed, and add another taste dimension to a meal”                         Colleen Taylor Sen, author “Feasts & Fasts: A…

Protein Powder Vs Whole Foods

We need to get one thing clear in our minds, that essentially our body doesn’t care whether a type of protein comes from food or in a supplement form, when…