Is Metabolic Damage Real?

When you go on any diet, where you are primarily made to restrict your overall calorie intake, a time comes, when the weight loss stalls, or you hit a plateau.…

Truth About Cheat Meals/Day

How important is a cheat meal/day? Is it cheating in a meal or for the entire day? Is eating a cheat meal harmful? Is it ok once or twice a…

Gap Between Meals & Exercise

A common doubt, I often get is: “How much gap should be there, between meals and workout?” Proper nutrition is extremely important to fuel your workout and optimal recovery post…

PGCL – Just Don’t Use It

With the drug menace rising in sports, athletes and coaches are always on the lookout for a new breakthrough drug, to sky rocket their muscle gain, fat loss & sports…

Pregnant Men- Bubble Gut In Bodybuilding

“It’s unacceptable the way bodybuilding is going. We don’t want to see stomachs sticking out. We want to see the most beautiful man, the most athletic man.”                                                                                                 Arnold…

Is Red Wine Really Healthy ?

We often hear people in India forcing their friends, who don’t drink scotch, beer, vodka or any other alcoholic beverage, to have red wine. The reason they give is, because…