The Myth Of Penis Enlargement

One of the biggest insecurities of men, since time immemorial, is the size of their penis. And the porn industry has fueled this insecurity to a different level altogether. Because…

The Love For Achar (PICKLE)

“Indian pickles can be sweet, sour, salty, cooling, hot or very hot indeed, and add another taste dimension to a meal”                         Colleen Taylor Sen, author “Feasts & Fasts: A…

Does Size Really Matter ?

The internet is full of websites and advertisements selling you magic supplements, gels and creams, and various devices, promising to increase the length and girth of your manhood i.e. your…

The Myth Of Negative Calorie Foods

Sometime back, I came across a term called “Negative Calorie foods”. My ears instantly started ringing to this fancy term, which sounded too attractive to be true. I searched online…

Faster Cardio|Myth Or Truth

A common strategy recommended for fat burning is ‘fasted cardio’, or to do cardio first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is said to enhance fat burn,…

Protein Powder Vs Whole Foods

We need to get one thing clear in our minds, that essentially our body doesn’t care whether a type of protein comes from food or in a supplement form, when…